
Samsung Navibot Vacuum

from $15.95 per week.

*Prices shown are based on weekly rates over a 24 months term.
*Product images are for illustrative purposes only.

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Product Description

NaviBot Light has the ability to memorise a suitable cleaning path, calculating its exact location in your home. The clever NaviBot Light uses two CPU chips, allowing it to think smart

Visionary Mapping
4 Cleaning Modes
Remote Control
Creates a map of your house using an onboard camera

The visionary mapping system can capture images at 30 frames per second, creating a map of your house with process plots. Memorises a suitable cleaning path, calculating its exact location in your home

Protective and smart design for safety

Cliff sensors detect stairs and soft & wide rubber guards help protect furniture. Cleverly avoids obstacles and valubles using 31 sensors

Takes on pet hair, tough fluff and other stuff

With its innovative power brush and rotating side brushes that don’t shy away from difficult pet hair, NaviBot leaves your floor in pristine condition

Cleaning on Carpet

Because so many homes have both hardwood floors and carpeting, the NaviBot was designed to automatically shift from one to the other without sacrificing performance

2 x side brushes
HEPA filter
NI-MH Battery
90 minute run time